My DPF Fundraising Begins!

My Parkinson’s Mementos - The CD with my brain scan was what led to the diagnosis. The other items are from that first Davis Phinney conference I attended in SC. We heard a talk by two other Parkinson's sufferers - Bill Geist, CBS News and Mike Clif…

My Parkinson’s Mementos - The CD with my brain scan was what led to the diagnosis. The other items are from that first Davis Phinney conference I attended in SC. We heard a talk by two other Parkinson's sufferers - Bill Geist, CBS News and Mike Clifford, NASA astronaut.

If you're still reading this, the title gives away my not so subtle approach to asking for a little (or, a lot) of your hard-earned money. LOL. But, please keep reading despite the spoiler alert!

In all seriousness, I am on a mission this year to "pay it forward", as the saying goes. Back in August 2014, I got the game-changing news that I have Parkinson's Disease. If you've ever been dealt a blow like that, you know I how I felt. Like my life was on final approach... to a crash landing.

Enter the Davis Phinney Foundation (DPF) for Parkinson's and the big conference they held in Greenville, SC, at no cost to me, thanks to donors who remain anonymous. It was the most positive, hugely helpful experience I could have ever imagined! And, I pledged that someday I would return the favor and raise money for DPF to help the next guy or gal receiving that same dreaded diagnosis.

That day has now come! Thus, my appeal to YOU to help ME raise money for this most worthy cause. And, it won't be just YOUR money that goes to DPF. I will match your donation DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR until we meet the goal of $10,000 for 2019.

Please know that all donations are important, no matter the size. And a whole bunch of small ones will add up quickly. According to Facebook, I have 434 friends. If each of my FB friends donates $20, we'll shatter the goal big time! And, if you've got deep pockets and want to see me share your pain, let the generous spirit move you and know I'll be matching your sacrifice!

Now the fundraising can only begin by YOU making a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation on my DPF page at DONATE NOW!

Thank you for helping me to help others in need!

Richard Beattie

March 1, 2019

Greenwood, Mississippi


Fighting Back


Something To Prove?