Is Bikes Blues & Bayous “essential”?
With 2020 being the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the answer is up for debate. Or, is it? Certainly there was outspoken opposition to the August 1st event and dire predictions of the COVID case surge in the “4 to 10 days” following the event. But, we (the organizers) continued our efforts to hold the bicycle ride for all those who, knowing the risks, chose to attend. And, we worked doubly hard to hold the event in as safe an environment as humanly possible for riders and volunteers alike.
Back to Biking!
My last journal post (March 10) found me downstate at the Red Bluff Gran Fondo ride on a beautiful Spring weekend. I was laying out grandiose plans for upcoming cycling events to ride in and was calling it “The Road to BBB”, because everything led to the 13th annual Bikes Blues & Bayous event on August 1st. Then everything changed! In fact, we all got blind-sided by a global pandemic called COVID-19 or the novel coronavirus. Whatever you call it, the last few months have seen everything change for everyone and that is no mean exaggeration.
Red Bluff Recap
Last Saturday, I attempted the Metric Century route of the 2nd annual Red Bluff Gran Fondo bicycle event. Even though I didn’t ride the full 65, I did manage to log 42 miles. Not the win I planned, but showing up and giving it my best effort is a victory at this point in my life. And, if I’m honest with myself, I am not young enough, nor physically conditioned, nor strong enough, to take on routes with so many 7% and 8% grades.
The Road to BBB 2020
File this under, “I should’ve thought of this before” category. It is a series of journal posts about my journey to promote BIKES BLUES & BAYOUS, Mississippi’s largest bike ride, on August 1, 2020. Since helping start the event in 2008, I’ve remained involved and lately more focused on the marketing / promotion side. So, I hope it will be of interest to others as I chronicle what goes on in the months prior to the first Saturday of August.
A Word of Explanation
Explanation? For what? Well, as to why I seem to be using the Bikes Blues & Bayous Facebook page as an outlet to publish my online journal entries. Fair question. As a co-founder of BBB and its current marketing chairman, I do my best to publicize only interesting and relevant info to the thousands of riders that have come to BBB. I feel this bit of info falls into that category, but you be the judge.
March 2020: Overly Ambitious?
As the weather improves and sunny days raise my enthusiasm for bike riding, I begin re-examining the ambitious plans I set for 2020. Am I reaching a little beyond my capabilities? Well, it won’t be long before the first test offers an indication. Here is what I planned for next weekend.
2020: On A Mission
It seems a little late to put forth my New Year’s resolutions, so I’ll just say that “I’m on a mission this year…again”. A mission to try even harder and bolder to get a message to those who share my Parkinson’s Disease diagnosis. What is the message? It’s one of hope and encouragement that YOU CAN “live well with Parkinson’s”.
Moments of Victory - REPRINT
Thanks go to Melani Dizon and Lauren Kehn for organizing the interview which led to my story being published on the Davis Phinney website in January 2020. This is a reprint of that story.
Stick To It
During the recent holiday season (Nov & Dec), I let myself get derailed from my usual exercise / fitness routine. Cold weather, dark mornings, low motivation, other priorities and a whole bunch of other excuses kept me from sticking to a health-first regimen. And, I paid for it.