Davis Phinney ‘Victory Summit’
Battling PD is not for the lazy and a good recharge of motivation is needed whenever I can get it. So, Christie and I traveled to Austin, TX earlier in April to attend the Parkinson's "Victory Summit" held by the Davis Phinney Foundation. There were many highlights, but here are 3 that come to mind first.
#1 - Meeting Davis Phinney and thanking him for starting the foundation to "help people live well with Parkinson's today". Such an important mission for all of us with this incurable malady.
#2 - Sharing the good news of my DPF fundraising campaign and being at 107% of the goal! Thanks goes out again to the generous donations by family (blood relatives and church family) and friends who responded so quickly. Too many to list here, but all (except Bill & Ann Litton) are on my fundraising page at this link. CLICK HERE!
#3 - Taking in some excellent speakers with useful insights on dealing with PD. The best one, for me, was the last presentation on nutrition. It was made by a neurologist, Dr. Robert Izor, based in Austin whose clinic takes an integrative approach in their treatment, including nutrition counseling. He left me with plenty to ponder, especially on topics like metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, brain tau, ketogenic diet, autophagy and more. My interest was piqued enough to prompt me to call for an appointment at his clinic. No matter it's a 10 hour drive!
The biggest takeaway was, as always, that there is hope of living well. Most of it being in the form of learning and doing. Not easy stuff, but all possible with hard work and the will to fight back.
Richard Beattie
April 24, 2019
Greenwood, Mississippi